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12:30 - 6pm
North Shore Riverwalk Park
North Little Rock is proud to host the first annual Pulaski County Fair to be held at NorthLittle Rock's Riverfront Park on the banks of the Arkansas River. The fair will start on Wednesday, Sept. 29 and end on Sunday, Oct. 3.
The hours Wednesday through Friday will be 5:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday, the fair will open at noon and close at 11 p.m. Admission is $5 for adults andchildren 12 and under will be admitted for free.
The 2021 fair will include carnival midway, rides, games, novelty vendors, foods, softand adult beverages, and local live entertainment on the NLR city parks stage. Eachyear, additional activities will be added to include local community-based contests and partners.
A portion of the proceeds will go to the North Little Rock Parks & Recreation. There willbe a COVID-19 vaccination tent present to offer free vaccinations during the event.Masks are encouraged.
In an effort to provide the best fair experience, we compiled a team of festival, fair andevent experts with over 100 years of collective experience and proven success innational events. This venue has a proven record of success, as there have beenconcerts and festivals held there with up to 35,000 in attendance for the full park.Striving to achieve success, we will utilize half of the park the first year.